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Page: Home
Description: Chasebridge school
Description: Our School
Description: School Life
Description: Meet Our Team
Description: Our Classes
Page: Policies
Description: Policies
Description: At Chase Bridge we set high standards of work and behaviour. We are an inclusive school where we all come to learn.
Description: We are delighted that you are considering Chase Bridge as a prospective school for your child.
Description: There is much to celebrate in the children’s achievement from the summer of 2019.
Description: We are delighted to share with you our report following our recent inspection - one of the first in the country using OfSTED’s new inspection criteria.
Description: Safeguarding
Description: Pupil Premium and Recovery Grant
Description: School Sports Funding
Description: Twickers Parking
Page: News
Description: News
Page: Calendar
Description: Calendar
Description: Newsletters
Description: Term Dates & Open Days
Description: Useful Information
Description: The School Day
Description: School Lunches
Description: School Uniform
Page: Arbor
Description: ParentMail & Tucasi
Page: Clubs
Description: Clubs
Description: Lions Breakfast & After School Club
Description: Friends of Chase Bridge
Description: School Council
Page: Staff
Description: Staff
Page: Governors
Description: Governors
Page: Vacancies
Description: Vacancies
Description: Curriculum
Page: EYFS
Description: EYFS
Page: Year 1
Description: Year 1
Page: Year 2
Description: Year 2
Page: Year 3
Description: Year 3
Page: Year 4
Description: Year 4
Page: Year 5
Description: Year 5
Page: Year 6
Description: Year 6
Description: Contact Us
Description: Cookies Policy
Description: Privacy Policy
Page: Sitemap
Description: Sitemap
Description: Our Learning
Description: Policies
Page: Lettings
Description: Lettings
Description: Supporting Children's Mental Health
Description: Mental Health Support In School
Description: Family Support Services

Get In Touch

Chase Bridge Primary School
Kneller Road

020 8892 1242

Headteacher: Mr Bishop
School Business Manager: Mrs Kan