
Student Leadership


Pupils’ Voice Matters!

All children at Chase Bridge have the opportunity to suggest ways of improving life at school and for the wider community.  This is achieved by actively encouraging our pupils to discuss issues that are important to them and by providing an environment for them to feel safe to share their opinions and viewpoints.

To begin this journey, our pupils are assigned roles of responsibility from Nursery to Year 2.  These will include:

  • Line leaders
  • Register tray monitors
  • Daily class helpers

These roles foster a sense of community and a 'looking out' for one another attribute.


Junior Student Leadership

The importance of pupil voice is cemented in our Junior Student Leadership Programme which offers several exciting opportunities for Year 3 to 6 pupils to develop their leadership skills and ultimately influence many aspects of school life.  Each role requires a high level of commitment from the children.  In return, the roles will:

  • develop a level of responsibility and leadership
  • build on collaboration and communication skills to achieve common goals
  • require an open mind and to consider the ideas of others as well as their own
  • provide opportunities for pupils' voices to be heard and be part of decision making 
  • empower pupils to work in partnership with staff, school leaders and governors to implement our 3 core valuesExcel at LearningExpress Your Talents and Care For Others


This year, our Leadership Programme comprises of the following roles:


Summary Job Description

School Council

  • Work with students and teachers to think of creative ways they can raise money for their selected charity, Young Minds.

  • Help with events and fundraising activities for their chosen charity.

  • Listen to members of the school community and share their ideas with the Council.

  • Feedback to their class on important information and key events.

  • Be a positive role model to the whole school, consistently following the school ethos.

  • Always be kind and caring to all members of our school.

Year Groups: 3 to 6

Led by: Miss Milok

Music Captains

  • Music captains help with various musical events throughout the year such as concerts. assemblies and auditions for our annual talent show. 

  • They learn songs with actions and then teach them to our infant pupils during their singing assembly.

  • Technical duties include operating the computer during the weekly singing assemblies and assisting with audio and visual support during end of year performances.

Year Groups: 6

Led by: Mrs O'Hara


Our librarian role is about instilling a love of reading throughout Chase Bridge.  Their main responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining our main school library.

  • Supporting younger years with using the electronic library system.

  • Updating recommended book displays to inspire book selection across key stages.

Our librarians are dedicated using their lunchtimes to carry out their role under the guidance of the library leaders.

Year Groups: 6

Led by: Ms Chadwick and Mrs Edgoose

Wellbeing Ambassador

Pupils who take on this role have shown a real interest in championing positive health and mental wellbeing.  Their core duties include:

  • Implement the Five Ways to Wellbeing across the school.

  • Plan and implement wellbeing days.

  • Plan and carry out wellbeing assemblies.

  • Create and maintain a wellbeing display.

  • Promote the playtime buddies initiative.

  • Promote worry boxes.

Year Groups: 3 to 6

Led by: Miss Gray

House Captain

  • To be a representative and role model within their House.

  • To represent their House at school events.

  • To support members of their House at sports day and competitive events.

  • To be the central spokesperson for their House.

Year Groups: 6

Led by: Mr Mantle

Tour Captain

Tour captains have the responsibility of showing prospective parents around our school, giving tours from a pupil perspective.

This role is often held with pride as it allows the pupils to reflect on their experience of school from previous years. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity for them to showcase many aspects of the school that they enjoy.

Being a tour captain develops social communication and leadership skills as well as building confidence as an ambassador for the school they represent.

Year Groups: 3 to 6

Led by: Mrs Kan

Pupil Parliament

To be a representative for Chase Bridge at Pupil Parliament events within the Richmond Borough.

Year Groups: 6

Led by: Mr Bruce

Travel Ambassadors

The Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs) are six Year 6 pupils (chosen in Year 5) who are responsible for promoting active travel such as walking, cycling, scootering and road safety. They also help prepare children for more independent travel in Year 6 and when they transfer to secondary school.

Year Groups: 6

Led by: Ms Fussey

Our Chase Bridge Primary School Travel Policy can be read here.

Health and Safety Ambassadors

Our Health and Safety Ambassadors will work closely with the site managers and school business manager to lead on school health and safety matters on behalf of the student body.

They will be trained to have a keen awareness of:

  • Fire safety measures

  • Safety around the school which includes the reporting of any parts of the school playground that are areas of concern

  • Promoting safe playground behaviour by leading by example and to promote safety around the school to their peers and family members

  • Being the pupil voice for maintaining and improving our school to be a safe place to learn

Year Groups: 5 to 6

Led by: Mrs Kan 



Get In Touch

Chase Bridge Primary School
Kneller Road

020 8892 1242

Headteacher: Mr Bishop
School Business Manager: Mrs Kan